Carnival Time!

It's the end of the school year, and many of you are wrapping up lessons and having more fun with your classes! A great way to get the school community together is to have a carnival where family and friends can come, play carnival games, and enjoy themselves! 

There are many ways you can bring carnival activities into the classroom as well. Here's an article from Scholastic with a few simple activities you can create with your students.

And for those who love to decorate, here is an article with ideas of how you can make your classroom feel like the inside of a carnival! With a few streamers, balloons, and crepe paper, you can create a feel of being inside a circus tent!

You can create your own Carnival Booklet with carnival-themed clipart or templates! Add activities to your booklet, or use the templates to create an ad book to generate revenue for your school! 

These activities can be used any time during the school year but the end of the school year is always a great time to relax, play games, and have fun with the kids. 

Have a great summer!


How To Make A Poof Book!

I have a confession to make. I DO have a favorite. A favorite FOLDABLE!
(You thought I was going to say child, weren’t you? I would never admit to that!) 
It’s the POOF BOOK! Words cannot describe how much I love making Poof Books. You make an entire book out of ONE sheet of paper, with just ONE cut! How is this possible, you ask?  Let me show you!

It's amazing what you can make with one little sheet of paper! The Poof Book is a great deal of fun to make and my students loved it! You can fill it your own information or use one of my templates for various graphic organizers or activities! All these illustrations are included in my Poof Book Instructional Guide for a quick and easy visual aid for your students. I just put out an End of the Year "All About Me!" Poof Book template you can use when the days are getting warmer, your students' brains are melting, and the school year is coming to a close! Poof Books are really as fun as I make it out to be! Give it a try today!

Hope you and your students love the Poof Book as much as I do!

Method To My Mathness Signature

It's Teacher Appreciation Week!

Looking back on my life, I have many teachers to thank. I would not be where I am today without all the teachers, mentors, friends and family who have inspired me and taught me along the way. 

As educators, sometimes we do not see the results right away with our students. We need to keep in mind that we make an impact with every life we touch. They might not realize it now, but your students will remember you and all you have done for them.

I want to take this chance to thank my teachers and mentors. You helped me grow, helped me work out my problems, listened to me when I needed it the most, and inspired me to help others.

Now that I have children, I truly appreciate the importance of the influence of educators. My two little boys have grown much this year and it is all thanks to the people who read to them, who creates crafts for them to make, who listen to their stories (even though there is NO way they could make sense of what my boys are saying), who teach them how to be team players, and those who teach them how to be considerate of one another. It takes a village to raise children and everyone has something to contribute. So, I would like to extend a heartfelt Thank You to all the family members, friends, teachers, and coaches who had an impact on my children's lives.

Thank you teachers. 

The twins were hard at work making Thank You cards for their teachers!

The twins were hard at work making Thank You cards for their teachers!


Hi! Welcome to Method To My Mathness!

I am so excited to launch my new website and blog to share my ideas and resources with you! I have dedicated over a decade of my life to teaching math and this is a new step in my career as an educator.

Having kids was a life changing experience. Having TWINS made it hard to get back into the classroom. Daycare costs would have been my entire teaching salary and I wanted to be there to watch my boys grow up. Life with twins is crazy and fun but I missed being in the classroom! I realized it was time to do something when I started creating math projects for my boys (they were 6 months old at the time). I even started lesson planning! ON MY OWN! I know, It's just how I am. 


Before kids, I had spent all my time looking up new and fun projects to do with my students. Right from the start of my teaching career, I had been creating my own resources. I needed to supplement the ones I was given so I could differentiate and sometimes even to fill gaps in the curriculum materials. After having kids, I realize that not everyone has the time to create their own work. And that it was probably not a good idea to spend all of your free time doing work. My time away from teaching to focus on my kids has re-energized me, and motivated me to help others – teachers and parents alike. It’s the best of both worlds. I have now focused my time back to my teaching passion, and as a result I have a stockpile of resources and ideas I can now share with you! I've already released a sample of my work on and I have more on the way! If you want to check out what my resources are like, you can download a freebie from my store!

I love creating. When the things I create helps other people, that's even better! That is why I am so excited to create resources for you to use. Having twins has taught me the value of time and efficiency. I no longer have the time to do everything myself. As a teacher, I understand the importance of creating interest and having activities that are meaningful. I design my resources with that mentality. I create resources that are visually stimulating, intuitive, and FUN! My resources are designed to be versatile. Some can be used as a worksheet, a project, OR in an interactive notebook. Every student is different so it is important that the resources we utilize are adaptive and easy to use. 

I will continue to post the new ideas I find and the new resources I create. I hope my blog and resources will help you in your classrooms and create a fun and exploratory learning environment for your students. Tell me how it goes! I would love to hear from you! If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, contact me through Facebook, Pinterest, or Email! I am open to feedback and any new ideas of resources you might need. Let me know how I can help!

I cannot wait to go forward with my designs and see what the future holds!